World Humanist Forum

Information, interchange and joint action among the cultures of the world

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Here you can find videos, photos, documents and links of held forums on the 5 continents


It is the goal of this Humanist Forum to study and develop positions on the global problems affecting the world today. In a broad sense the Forum is a cultural organization dedicated to developing structural relationships between phenomena of science, politics, art, and religion. Freedom of conscience and freedom from ideological prejudice are considered to be the indispensable conditions for the task of understanding the complex phenomena of the contemporary world. The World Humanist Forum seeks to become an instrument of information, exchange and discussion between people and institutions from the most diverse cultures of the world. It also intends to take on a character of permanent activity so that all relevant information can circulate in real-time among all its members.


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History of the Humanist Forums


The idea of a World Humanist Forum was first proposed by Silo, founder of the Humanist Movement, in Moscow on October 7th, 1993. The event is regarded as the first humanist forum, with a format designed to encourage wide participation, centered around thematic tables for discussing issues and planning joint actions.

Since the inaugural forum in Moscow, this model has spread to diverse locations, inspiring regional, national, and neighborhood forums held both in-person and online between 2007 and 2020. From 2024, the WHF is restructuring to become a permanent platform. Here are highlights from our history of convergence, exchange, and action.


Here you can find more information about the past forums.


Humanist Forum


Humanist Forum
Humanist Forum

Humanist Forum

Thematic tables


The “Thematic tables” are the backbone of the Forum, since it is there where participation, exchange and planning of activities take place. The Humanist Forum wants to cultivate and develop ‘good knowledge’ in relation to the most urgent problems facing humanity today. The interest is to disseminate this knowledge to the common people so that they can use it to orient their vision in the world.


Any person individually, or organisation collectively, is invited to participate in the World Humanist Forum, and become an active member. There are only two restrictions imposed on participation. The first is that it does not admit the participation of those who foster discrimination or intolerance. The second is that it does not allow the participation of those who support or use violence as a methodology of action for imposing their concepts or ideals, no matter how elevated these may be. Here are some of the founding members of the World Humanist Forum.

Participation and Membership

Any person individually, or organisation collectively, is invited to participate in the World Humanist Forum, and become an active member. There are only two restrictions imposed on participation. The first is that it does not admit the participation of those who foster discrimination or intolerance. The second is that it does not allow the participation of those who support or use violence as a methodology of action for imposing their concepts or ideals, no matter how elevated these may be. Here are some of the founding members of the World Humanist Forum.