Revolutions and Psychosocial Phenomena
Thematic table of the World Humanist Forum
This study group was created to emphasize revolutionary processes of evolutionary tendency, which are multiplying in the world today. It also wants to encourage those ‘naive’ revolutionary processes that tend to become conscious. We understand here by revolutionary process, the social, psychic and spiritual transformation of individuals and human ensembles in the transition from a foolish and decadent historical phase to a new human and virtuous phase. The profound internal spiritual transformation is concomitant with a true evolutionary revolution.
…and Psychosocial Phenomena
The group also wants to grasp and report on the symptoms of possible psychosocial shocks that today’s rapidly changing societies may be approaching. It does not merely monitor probable mental earthquakes, but also seeks to induce them, promote them, and orient them in a nonviolent and coherent direction. The group encourages mental ‘disinclination’ and geographic distribution particularly towards the ‘forgotten areas’ of the globe, while creating open spaces where diversity can fraternally meet, express itself and mutually inspire.
Examples of revolutionary processes of interest
- Sahel Confederation AES
- Mexican humanism
- Bolivarian Revolution and ALBA
Some psychosocial phenomena and areas of interest:
- Physical and mental Silk Roads
- Places of origin of the great religions (Israel, Iran, India)
- Border zones and peripheral places of empires and/or former empires (Mayotte, Djibouti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, Kanaki, Guyana, Polynesia, Comoros, New Caledonia, Haiti, etc.)
- Symbolic mountains, translations of Mount Meru, Kailash, Ararat, Aconcagua
Recent activities
January 2025
Participation in First Assembly of the WHF
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Recommended reference literature
- Religiosity in the Contemporary World, Silo, Speeches (LINK)
- The Tokarev Report, Salvatore Puledda (LINK)
- Universal Root Myths, Silo, comparative mythology (LINK)
- Letters to my friends, Silo, on the current personal and social crisis (LINK)
- Psychology Notes, Silo, inspired consciousness (LINK)
- Tokarev Report Summary Brochure (LINK)